Lobster research continues in the Bras d’Or Lake

A tagged lobster.

A tagged lobster.

Research continues in the Bras d'Or Lake to better understand the movements and seasonal habitat use of jakej (American lobster). Throughout the fall, partners from Unamak’i Institute of Natural Resources and Ocean Tracking Network, along with Mi'kmaw harvesters from Eskasoni, will be in the field collecting lobsters for tagging. 

Acoustic tags are attached to the outer shell of the lobster and are visible on its  back. These tags are detected by receivers which are strategically placed within the Bras d’Or Lake. Receivers are retrieved annually by project personnel and the data is downloaded to learn more about where the species travels within the ecosystem (learn more about acoustic telemetry here.). Data collected from the project will be shared with communities, managers, and decision-makers to help inform the sustainable management of the species.

If you find a lobster that has been tagged, please release it back into the water so it can continue collecting valuable data. If this is not possible, please let us know where and when the lobster was captured and the tag identification number. 


For further information contact Skyler at: 902-371-6888 or skyler@uinr.ca.

Skyler (left) conducting field work in the Bras d’Or Lake.

Skyler (left) conducting field work in the Bras d’Or Lake.