“Partnerships happen at the table.”
is guided by the principles reflected in our project name—we help each other.
Together, we share a common goal—to learn from each other’s perspectives to gain a better understanding of aquatic species and help take care of their ecosystems for current and future generations.
Apoqnmatulti’k is jointly supported by
Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources - UINR represents Cape Breton's Mi'kmaw voice on natural resources and environmental concerns.
Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq - CMM promotes and restores the concept and practice of Netukulimk, taking only what you need for today and leaving some for tomorrow in the Fundy Watershed.
Marine Institute of Natural and Academic Science - MINAS’ goal is to create wisdom through the integration of traditional, local, and academic knowledge.
Ocean Tracking Network - OTN is a global aquatic animal tracking, technology, data management and partnership platform.
Acadia University - Acadia University has a long tradition of academic excellence, ground-breaking innovation, and an environment that encourages collaborative, community-oriented, and transdisciplinary research.
Dalhousie University - One of Canada's leading universities, Dalhousie is recognized for outstanding academics and a broad range of educational and research opportunities.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - DFO is the federal lead for safeguarding our waters and managing Canada's fisheries, oceans and freshwater resources.